Verejné obstarávanie v Slovensko
European Labour Authority (ELA)
Obstarávanie: European Labour Authority (ELA)
4 archivované verejné obstarávania
European Labour Authority (ELA) bola v minulosti kupujúcim
podnikateľské služby: právo, marketing, konzultácie, nábor pracovníkov, tlačiarenské a bezpečnostné služby
hotelové, reštauračné a maloobchodné služby
hotelové služby
V minulosti boli dodávateľmi pre European Labour Authority (ELA)
Pomilio Blumm SRL
Consulting & Management s.r.o.
Ecorys Europe EEIG – GEIE
IBF Connect SA
IBF International Consulting SRL
ICF Next S.A.
The Others TV SL
Tripex s.r.o.
Nedávne verejné obstarávania European Labour Authority (ELA)
Provision of Helpdesk and Other Support Services to the EURES Portal and Provision of ICT Help Desk Services
European Labour Authority (ELA)
The purpose of this call is to 1. provide horizontal support to the EURES network and thereby to improve the quality and quantity of EURES services on the ground throughout the Union and the EEA and Switzerland in line with the EURES legal basis; 2. provide ICT Helpdesk services and network support services for the ELA offices.
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Provision of Analytical and Methodological Support Services
European Labour Authority (ELA)
The FWC covers analytical services, including compilation and analysis of structural labour market and labour mobility data, information needs analysis, mapping of existing information sources, methodological support for data collection and compilation, development of analytical models, and implementation and analysis of surveys.
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Framework Contract on Communication Outreach Activities: Lot 1 – EURES Communication Activities and Lot 2 – ELA...
European Labour Authority (ELA)
The purpose of this call for tenders is to support the activities of the European Labour Authority in the field of EURES communication and ELA campaigns. The call for tenders is divided in two lots: — Lot 1 – EURES communication to conclude a single framework contract; — Lot 2 – ELA communication and outreach activities to conclude a multiple framework contract in cascade.
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Uvedení dodávatelia:
Ecorys Europe EEIG – GEIE
ICF Next S.A.
Pomilio Blumm SRL
Framework Contract on Events Management Services
European Labour Authority (ELA)
The purpose of this call for tenders is to procure the services to support the activities of the European Labour Authority (ELA) in the field of organisation and management of events and field events (inspections/mediation procedures).
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Uvedení dodávatelia:
Consulting & Management s.r.o.
IBF Connect SA
IBF International Consulting SRL
Pomilio Blumm SRL
The Others TV SL
Tripex s.r.o.
Súvisiace vyhľadávania
Bratislavský kraj
Bratislavský kraj
Pomilio Blumm SRL
Consulting & Management s.r.o.
Ecorys Europe EEIG – GEIE
IBF Connect SA
IBF International Consulting SRL
ICF Next S.A.
The Others TV SL
Tripex s.r.o.
Podnikateľské služby: právo, marketing,...
Hotelové, reštauračné a maloobchodné služby
Hotelové služby
Služby na organizovanie stretnutí...
Služby jedální a hromadného stravovania
Služby hromadného stravovania
Poradenské služby v oblasti obchodu...
Poradenské služby v oblasti obchodu a riadenia
Služby pre vzťahy s verejnosťou
Rôzne obchodné služby a súvisiace služby