Verejné obstarávanie v Slovensko
European Labour Authority (ELA), ELA.ED.RES.HR – Human Resources
Obstarávanie: European Labour Authority (ELA), ELA.ED.RES.HR – Human Resources
Jedno archivované verejné obstarávanie
European Labour Authority (ELA), ELA.ED.RES.HR – Human Resources bola v minulosti kupujúcim
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služby v oblasti zabezpečovania personálu, vrátane zabezpečovania pracovníkov na čas určitý
V minulosti boli dodávateľmi pre European Labour Authority (ELA), ELA.ED.RES.HR – Human Resources
Infeurope SA
ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.
Nedávne verejné obstarávania European Labour Authority (ELA), ELA.ED.RES.HR – Human Resources
Provision of Interim Staff for the European Labour Authority in Bratislava
European Labour Authority (ELA), ELA.ED.RES.HR – Human Resources
Description: − processing of requests for interim workers of ELA, including the preselection of candidates according to the profile descriptions; − provision of interim workers upon requests of ELA; − communication between ELA and the contractor within the entire scope of this framework contract, including any exchanges relating to the preselection, selection and employment of candidates. Reason for purchasing: ELA may need interim staff as a complement to its statutory staff, to support its needs in a …
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Uvedení dodávatelia:
Infeurope SA
ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.
Súvisiace vyhľadávania
Bratislavský kraj
Bratislavský kraj
Infeurope SA
ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.
Podnikateľské služby: právo, marketing,...
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Služby v oblasti zabezpečovania...